Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It's a juggling act

Well with this amazing weather it makes it harder to come home at lunch to blog. I guess we can't complain considering it was warm up until about a week ago. I actually tried to ride my bike out in this mess this morning but pretty much got to the curb and said F#$& it! Within thirty seconds my pants were soaked as were my shoes. As a result, no Blondie's and I had to drink Druxy's coffee and walk to work wearing rain pants and jacket. Trust me I looked cool. In case you are wondering, that is me on the right juggling and beside me tearing it up on the vielle is my good friend Augustine Aldous that old scamp, and the lovely lady playing the harp is his girlfriend (who I hate!) Florence Margaret.

Once again you blink and everything happens all at once. After last friday's World Cup draw it was all quiet until the email came through on Sunday (I think) saying Canada would be announcing their next head coach. Hmmm hmmm who could it be? Well there was never any doubt and the CSA all but admitted it wasn't like they were actually 'looking' for a new head coach. Per usual it just takes them about 6 months to make any kind of decision on anything. Ah the perks of associations.

Part of me is fine with Hart being named the head coach, however, there is a part that looks at it and thinks ... nothing has changed at all, we're just lucky that on the shortlist of ONE he happens to be a decent coach. I shudder to think who would have been picked had he not been up for it, or who will be his successor one day.

To round off an interesting week (well by hump day anyhow) the good ol' Reds lose at home to Fiorentina!! Now like many out there I have a soft spot in my heart for cities I've actually been to so I do think that it is a good story that they have gotten out of the group stages, and considering all the hoop-la with Italian football (which in the last year I've actually begun to really like) I think it is a good think overall. But Liverpool ... oh my ... through failure comes success? Jeez I hope so because this is getting too much to bear. I mean ... no offense to Blackburn supporters but they are not quite Europa League quality so I'm honestly not sure how Liverpool, in their current form, will handle the likes of Juventus, Wolfsburg, Rubin Kazan or Marseille.


Unknown said...

Love to know where you got the DRUXY'S Coffee from. Normally it is great and I would like to check out the store and fix it.

spark said...

Funny timing. I went to said Druxy's today and was in line with a girl who brought in a Tim Horton's coffee. When she went to pay the manager/owner saw it and instead of saying anything about not bringing it in, gave her a free coffee to taste the difference - in fact she gave the next three people a free coffee (myself included). I was a bit harsh in the post and amended it because it is more from me being OCD about routines than the actual product - which is in fact a fine cup of joe and helped me get through the morning. I will also add that I get my bagel there every morning and it is always delicious. If you want to know the location 'Druxys' feel free to email me.