Sunday, February 15, 2009

An amazing find

Given the current "economic situation" *barf* one thing that I've made it a point to go do is go out and buy books at my favorite book stores. Both Pages and Swipe are amazing spots and have been hit hard by rent increases and just people not wanting to spend over the last 3-4 months.

At my stop at Pages I found this amazing gem. Yes as you can see, a footballing comic book! wtf! Yes it's none other than ROY OF THE ROVERS!!! Read up on Roy Race, player/manager, of the Melchester Rovers adventures each week (20+) years ago, as he deals with player transfers, injures AND LOVE. Yes, this comic book had it all.

Here is the quote from the back:

Relive the glory years of England's premier footballer, ROY RACE - the legendary player/manager of Melchester Rovers!

Presented for the first time in 25 years, this is a collection of one of Roy's most exciting dramatic seasons - when he faced not only the unbelievable threat of relegation but also an assassin's bullet!


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