Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Hard Man

As much as I try to always find the wrong in everything MLSE does, it looks like today they may have got it right (although I probably said the same thing about Burke and Colangelo!). Despite Squizz's pretty funny, but actually dead on comments about his track record, here's hoping this is the right environment and make-up for him to take the team to the next level (not MLSE next level, winning attitude next level).

The only thing missing from his resume is clear post-season success, but he had it as a player and three years at Chivas probably isn't enough to take Bradley's team and make it into his own. But now that I think of it, they have been on the decline since!

Regardless (ha!) I am happy for the supposed hardline approach we should soon be getting because nothing annoys me more than players giving up or walking around with their hands on their hips acting all pissy.

Tactics?! Defending!? Oh my! I can not wait. These are parts of the package that we can look forward to. Could we have gotten a bigger name? Probably, but one step at a time. Next year I will be happy with a winning record (playoffs) and organized football.

So here's signing off keeping it 100% TFC related:

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