Friday, November 21, 2008

My non-linear path to football history

Ok so I'm bored and other than gossip (which I should really just leave to message boards) there is nothing big going on until sunday (unless mitchell gets fired - oh wait, the CSA Board doesn't work on weekends - duh!) when the MSL cup goes down, and possibly MLS expansion news.

As I was watching ... well Mexico v. Honduras, I was thinking of the conflict of my heritage in the Canada v. Jamaica game. As I like to trumpet as often as I can my Great Grandfather was born in Jamaica, thus giving me AUTHENTIC JAMAICAN HERITAGE.

Eversley Francis Freeman was born in Jamaica around the turn of the century in a little village which might have looked like the one below. In fact he could very well be in this drawing!

He immigrates to Canada and somewhere along the lines becomes an olympic athlete

Eversley (Jake) Freeman goes to the 1920 Antwerp Olympics, but most importantly - the 1924 Paris Olympics

The same 1924 Olympics that saw South American teams compete in an 'european' football tournament for the first time, as well as the first black man to play at a professional level in Europe (Jose Andrade for Uruguay). Did Jake Freeman witness and possible rub elbows with footballing history??? I bet he did. In fact I'm positive some of that footballing DNA rubbed off on me. As is described in Soccer in Sun and Shadow this Uruguay team had only played 30 games at this point and came over to Europe and won what was at that point the best footballing tournament in the world.

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