Saturday, November 15, 2008

What else you gonna do on a Saturday?

After you've been sick all week, stayed in last night to watch a movie and it's raining today, I guess all you're gonna do is blog! After all the talk about how sweet Football Factories, Football Factories International is, I realized I've never actually watched the movie that started it all (actually I haven't read the book either but, come on, who reads books when the movie is available!?). I thought this would be a good watch considering pretty much every episode of FFI that Danny Dyer travels in, the firms he visits LOVES him (or doesn't kick his ass) because of this movie (or maybe just because he's a sorta famous actor ...).

So I wasn't sure what to expect the details of this to be about. I know Dyer is a West Ham supporter but in this movie I guess they are following the book so he's a Chelsea (BARF) hooligan. I guess that is realistic since even in my review of How Soccer Explains the World, Foer interviews the original Chelsea Headhunter and they were F*@#$ing scary dudes. It pretty much follows that theme of Chelsea hooligans beating up crosstown rivals, traveling to Liverpool and waiting for the dream match-up (in hooligan terms) an FA Cup draw with either Cardiff or Milwall.

I won't get into every detail of what this movie is about. It's pretty violent (obviously) and they drop the C-bomb about a hundred times. By C-Bomb I mean "you FAKKING KANT!" Overall it's pretty entertaining if you like watching people get beat up (who doesn't) but the one thing I hate is when you watch a flick and they blatently rip off a scene from another movie. They totally lift that scene from Goodfellows when Joe Pesci is all, "What? Is something funny? Do I amuse you? Am I some f@#)ing clown?!" BUT they totally redeem themselves with an amazing part where Dyer's best friend who has become totally whipped by his girlfriend ditches her and her family to go meet up with his mates for the big match of the year!! YES!! I know, I know ... only in the movies ...

I'll leave it off with a somewhat relevant clip where the boys are traveling up to play the Reds and it's OH SO CLOSE to see Chelsea get beat ... well that already happened once this years! GO REDS!!!

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