Sunday, October 25, 2009

Haven't woken up yet

from this nightmare!
Good grief. Well time heals all wounds, and clearly 22hrs is not enough. You know the links, blogs, forums etc ... so I'll leave you to those devices. Nothing I'll say here you won't be able to find anywhere else. Yes I will leave it at that. I had a decent night despite the 90 minutes of pure hell.

Rode my bike north of bloor for a dinner party and saw this along the way. I threw a quarter on the field for good luck. Should'a parted with a twenty!!

Locked up my trusty ride.

Token screen shot. Yes had to watch it online, and am lucky enough to have a great girl who didn't mind me sneaking away for two hours to whinge and get wasted in a different room.

End of story, end of season. I'm sure there will be some good posts in the future madly bitching about this team - get ready!!

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