Thursday, April 2, 2009

Don't let the door ...

I know the consistency of this blog is spotty ... well most of the time, but hang tight it's for good reason. Can't say what the deal is quite yet but I'll post something up for the loyal ... hmmm looks like 3 people who read this. John, Dave and Pete it'll all be worth it in the next couple weeks. Now on topic (re photo) - hey I've said it fifty times, this isn't a news blog so I don't get a late pass for writing about stuff that happened last week. What can we say about this? I'm still dumbfounded to be honest the way the last year has unfolded and it's taken until now for Dale Mitchell to get the can. I know everyone is breathing a sigh of relief and is now optimistic about the future but sorry I for one am not. The day I'll finally say HOORAY will be the day either a) we see a report the Government is disbanding the CSA or better b) someone appoints a separate entity to handle the National Soccer Programs. Who knows when this will ever happen. I'm sure too many people are making good money to give up what comes with managing all of soccer in Canada.

Then we have this amazing shot for a WTF moment (I have alot of those). I guess it's not a HUGE deal, or maybe i'm missing something (hmmm that is very possible) but did nobody tell Harper although this guy is Canadian he doesn't play for our National team? Or even better, did anyone tell him WHY he doesn't play for our National team???

And here is my last WTF moment of the day. ENJOOOOY!!

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